Do you have a fear of sewing buttons or button holes on your garments? I know for a long time it was one of my scariest thoughts. I had this perfect dress or shirt and then I was going to ruin it with adding buttons.

When I started getting a little better at sewing I came across the fact that most patterns that I was ready for needed buttons or even worse zippers. It was time to get past that fear.
I learned so many things about making button holes that I never realized. I will go over them here.
- You can rip out buttonholes before you cut them! I for some reason had this block in my head and never considered that I could rip them.
- Always and I do mean ALWAYS use interfacing of some kind regardless what kind of fabric you are using. I use a woven interfacing on knit fabrics because it holds better to the holes and the buttons.
- Practice! Do take the time to practice making button holes. I mean take some scrap fabric, add interfacing fold it over make a little placket and practice. Make 5-10 on each kind of fabric you often use.
- Lining up matters! Once I made a whole row of five buttonholes and it looked like I was sewing under the influence they were so crooked.
When you first find your buttonhole foot in your accessory box it will look odd and like nothing else you have seen in your box before. Here are some examples.

Mine is similar and there is a place where the button fits into so that I can make the exact size hole for the button I need. The most important part of all of this is that you must read the manual on how to use the foot on your particular machine. You can find youtube videos as well that will show you how to use it on your machine.
I have written this post not to show you exactly how to make a buttonhole but instead to encourage you to make them! Take the time and practice, use interfacing, make a mini bodice and practice marking and attaching the buttons and see what you get.
I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised at how simple it really is when you do get it going. I surely was. Its something I have mastered now and I no longer shy away from patterns that include them.

I have recently made a dress that had 18 buttons down the front and I was shaking but, I knew I could do it because I practiced, and I loved the end result! Show me what you have made with buttons in the comments or even share your fears and successes with them!

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