It seems to me every time we turn around there are new recommendations about what to do with babies and kids while they sleep. Sleeping Baby has solved one of the many problems with babies sleeping with their Zipadee-Zip wearable blanket. This is the perfect solution to transition time from the swaddle.
It was not long ago that it was recommended to swaddle an infant as long as they were comfortable and enjoyed it, now it is recommended to stop swaddling earlier so that there is no risk of hip dysplasia. The Zipadee-Zip comes to the rescue of parents everywhere with the solution.
This innovative solution allows your baby to stay warm and feel safe and secure while they sleep. Still mimicking the close comfort of mommy without restricting their movement or preventing them from rolling over. When we first brought the kids home from the hospital they were pretty still as they slept, but as they got a little older it was always amazing to me how much they moved and shifted during sleep. The Zipadee-Zip allows them to move and stay warm and feel secure.

Derek at 7 weeks, and his Zipadee Zip is a bit big still!
My favorite part of the Zipadee-Zip is that you never have to worry about loose blankets in the crib while trying to keep them warm. We all know by now that it is recommended to only have the baby and a tight-fitting sheet in the crib, but what is a mom to do when we want them warm and cozy? The answer is so simple with them wearing the this great wearable blanket.
On their website they have summer/spring weight as well as winter weight blankets so you do not have to stress them being too cool or too warm. The perfect solution. While you are on the site take a moment and check out their pajamas for older kids called the Flying Squirrel!
The Flying Squirrel Pajamas are a favorite here. Sleeping Baby sent us one for the kids and they are so in love with them. These pajamas have helped the kids get a more sound sleep at night. Both of the girls are very violent movers in their sleep and the Flying Squirrel pajamas has reduced their movement in bed by at least 50%.
The cuffs on the writs and ankles allow you to completely cover their hands and feet so if you have a child that has learned to take off their jammies and diapers you can cover their hands and sleep with no worries. I also think these are a great solution to kids with eczema or skin issues as it will help them keep comfy without scratching.
Sleeping Baby really is one of the best named companies, they really help you and your babies no matter what their age get the sleep they need in the most comfortable ways, not to mention adorable!

This is the one they sent us! So nice!
While Sleeping Baby was so generous in sending pajamas for all of the kids they also sent me a great new teether that they are carrying now called Trendy Teethers. This is an amazing necklace teether for mom to wear and baby to chew on while she is holding them. They are SUPER SAFE FOR BABY! Conforms to safety standards: ASTMF963 and 16CFR and is made from 100% silicone with nylon string for the necklaces and ribbon for the teethers and pacifier clips. No BPA,phalates,PVC,cadmium, or lead
Dorothy Boucher says
September 30, 2018 at 8:58 amI think these are so cute, I love the style of these and they look so comfortable to wear.